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SMETA /SEDEX 4P验厂审核文件清单


No. SMETA Audit Document List SMETA 审核文件清单
1Floor plan / Production Process Flow Chart   厂区平面图 / 生产工艺流程图
2Business license   营业执照
3Name list of  all employees    雇员花名册 (全厂雇员名册包括正式员工/非全日制工/派遣工/承包商工人/劳务工/外劳等,12 个月内离职工人名册)(包括高级管理人员及普通雇员:销售人员,服务经理,采购人员,物流人员,船务人员,财务人员等)
4Payroll records of past 12 months (Signed Payroll Record / Bank Transfer Record for Full-time Employees / Part-time Employees / Dispatch workers / Serviceworkers/ contract workers/Migrant workers, Piece Rate Record)   最近 12 个月工资记录(在册员工/离职员工/非全日制工/派遣工/劳务工/承包商工人  (如保安,清洁工,厨工等)/外劳签名工资表或银行转帐凭证,计件记录)
5Attendance records  related to above  payroll  and  attendance record  of  recent  unpaid month  对应以上工资表的 12 月工时记录以及最近未发薪月的工时记录
6Comprehensive Working Hour System Approval and related attendance records   综合计时批文及相关工时记录 (12 个月内有效批文对应的所有工时记录均应提供)
7Payment receipt  of social insurance schemes & income tax / Registration form   最近 12 个月社会保险和个人所得税之缴费凭证,收据 / 人员申报单
8Records of paid annual leave  有薪年假记录
9Factory regulations (Recruitment, Reward, Disciplinary, Wage, Hour, Benefit etc.)   厂规或员工手册(招聘,奖惩,考评,工资,工时,福利制度等)
10Personnel files with ID Copy for all types of worker   工人入职登记表 附身份证复印件 (体检表-如有)
11Labor contracts of employee (Dispatch agreements), labor service contracts   雇员劳动合同 (劳务派遣协议), 劳务协议
12Leave applications  员工请假表(最近 12 个月)
13Law & regulation summary and update (including Labor, H&S, Environment and Business Ethics)  法律法规汇总与更新 (包括劳工,健康安全,环保和商业道德)
14Health examination / registration of juvenile workers  未成年工体检证明/劳动部门登记表
15Trade Union / Worker organization  工会委员名单,章程,会议记录 (或其他员工组织,未建立工会则不需提供)
16Grievance procedure and record  申诉投诉程序和记录
17Disciplinary Procedure and record  纪律处分程序和记录
18Occupational disease hazard factors tests  车间职业健康危害因素监测报告
19Temperature monitoring & control record  车间温度监控记录
20O-chart of safety committee, safety procedures, emergency preparedness   安全委员会架构图,工厂安全制度,紧急事故处置预案 (灭火和应急疏散预案,危险化学品事故应急预案)

21Safety training record - Principal responsible person and safety production management personnel   主要负责人和安全生产管理人员安全培训记录

22First aid responder certificates  急救员证书

23Fire drill records / Dangerous Chemical spill response drill records  消防演习记录(最近两个年度演习记录照片-厂房/宿舍)危险化学品事故应急演习记录
24Production building and dormitory (1) Fire acceptance check report / filling record; Inspection for Completed Building Construction Projects; (3) Planning permit of temporary construction; (4)  Property ownership certificate or lease contract  厂房/宿舍等 (1) 建筑物消防验收合格证/备案 (2)  建筑工程竣工验收报告 / 合格证明 (3) 临时建筑规划许可证 (4) 房产证或租赁合同
25Injury records / Injury procedure  工伤记录 / 工伤处理程序
26SDS / Inventory for hazardous substances / chemicals  化学品危险品清单及物料安全资料卡
27Safety training records (Fire safety, Job safety, Machinery, PPE, Chemical)  安全培训记录 (消防安全/岗位安全/机器设备/个体防护装备/化学品使用等)
28Occupational health examination records  职业病危害健康检查/体检报告
29Drinking water test report  饮用水测试报告
30PPE instruction & qualification / Fire safety equipment type approval certificate  个人防护装备的产品说明书和认证,消防设备型式认可证书等
31Special Operation Certificate / Special Equipment Operator Certificate  特种作业操作证 / 特种设备作业人员证(电工/焊工/锅炉工/压力容器操作/厂内机动车操作工/起重机作业工等)
32Registration / Safety Inspection documents for Special equipment  特种设备档案 (电梯/锅炉/压力容器/压力管道/厂内机动车/起重机等使用许可证或定期安检报告)
33Machinery maintenance program and record  机器设备维护保养程序/记录
34Electric wiring maintenance record  电气线路维护记录
35Food catering license / Food operation license for the canteen in factory  食堂餐饮服务许可证 / 食品经营许可证
36Health Certificate of  food handler/ Radiation work permit  食堂厨工健康证 / 放射工作人员证
37Environmental documents  环保文件(环评登记表或报告表或报告书/环评批复/竣工验收报告/排污许可证/危废回收商资质证明/危废转移合同/危废交运联单/辐射安全许可证等)
38Subcontractor information and Subcontracting Management Procedure/records  外发商/分包商信息 (厂名/电话/地址/联系人/工序) 外发商管理程序及记录
39Production records  生产记录(生产日报表, 仓库收发记录, 质量检查记录等)
40Work permit, Work-type residence permits, Contract, Personnel file for Migrant worker / Employment agent license & contract  外籍劳工的工作许可和工作居留,合同及人事档案,与中介公司的资质以及合同
41Time recording system / CCTV system & record  考勤系统/闭路电视监控系统
42Policy and commitment on respecting Human Rights  尊重人权的政策和承诺
43Social compliance Procedures  社会责任符合性程序文件(禁止使用童工,保护未成年工,反骚扰歧视,禁止强迫劳工,尊重自由结社和集体协商,健康安全环保等)
44Designated personnel for Social Compliance   人权/社会责任管理负责人任命书

45Social compliance internal audit  社会责任内审记录
46International recognized system certifications  体系管理相关证书(如 ISO9001, ISO14001, ISO45001)
47Labour Agency’s certificate/contract  劳务派遣机构的资质/工厂与派遣机构的协议(如适用)
48Land use license or policy  土地使用证书或政策
49Sedex Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) Sedex 自我评估问卷
50Client’s Environment Requirement/Policy (if any)   客户关于环保的政策(如果有) 
51Environment procedures/polices of the factory (Energy usage, water usage, water discharge, waste, and emissions to air), reduce energy plan  工厂关于环保的程序/制度(能源和水的使用,废水,固废和废气),节能减排计划
52Appointment document of designated personnel responsible for Environment  工厂环保负责人的任命文件
53Energy and water usage records (i.e. monthly energy and water fee receipt)  能源和水使用记录:如每月能源(电力,燃煤,柴油,天然气等)月度台帐,水资源消耗清单(如自来水,地表水, 地下水,雨水,回用水)
54SOP for sewage treatment facility/air emission control facility, and operation records  污水/废气处理设施的操作规程及运行记录
55Communication/(or)Training plan and records of Environment  关于环保的沟通/(或者)培训计划及记录
56Client’s Integrity Requirement/Policy  客户关于廉政/商业道德的政策
57Business Ethics procedures/polices of the factory (offer/receive bribery, gifts and entertainment, conflict of interests, facilitation payments, etc)  工厂廉政/商业道德的程序/制度(行贿/受贿,礼物及娱乐,利益冲突,通融费等)
58Appointment document of designated personnel responsible for Business Ethics  工厂商业道德负责人的任命文件
59Communication/(or)Training plan and records of related high risk business ethics personnel  工厂相关高风险人员的商业道德的沟通/(或者)培训计划及记录
60Communication/(or)Training plan and records of all relevant parties (i.e. Business partners)  与相关方的商业道德的沟通/(或者)培训计划及记录 (如合作商)
61Factory’s fine/prosecutions records for unethical actions by local law enforcement authority in past 12 months  工厂在过去 12 个月内因不道德商业行为被处罚/起诉的记录
62Reporting/dealing procedure/records of unethical business actions  不道德商业行为的报告/处理程序及记录